Ferguson Power Plant
Demolish power station and associated structures, Close intake gates and remove intake piping that contains asbestos. Remove all asbestos containing material prior to demolition. Fill basement and spread topsoil over entire site. Once topsoil has been spread place hydro mulch and water until substantial growth occurred,
Demolish power station and associated structures, Close intake gates and remove intake piping that contains asbestos. Remove all asbestos containing material prior to demolition. Fill basement and spread topsoil over entire site. Once topsoil has been spread place hydro mulch and water until substantial growth occurred,
Demolish power station and associated structures, Close intake gates and remove intake piping that contains asbestos. Remove all asbestos containing material prior to demolition. Fill basement and spread topsoil over entire site. Once topsoil has been spread place hydro mulch and water until substantial growth occurred,